Support Channels

  • 1 hour ticket response time
  • An Intuitive Help Section

  • In the Web Hosting Control Panel you will find a detailed Help Center section featuring a multitude of how–to articles and regularly asked questions. They are contributed by our support team of accomplished techs. Just fill in your question and our smart system will provide you with the best answer.

  • Top quality support service
  • Educational Videos

  • We have prepared a collection of how–to video tutorials that visually explain how you can handle a common issue associated with your cloud web hosting account. You can find the tutorial videos in the Help Center.

  • Intuitive help center
  • A 1–Hour Ticket Response Time Guarantee

  • We back up all our semi–dedicated servers with a 24/7/365 client care service and a 1–hour response guarantee. Our skillful techs will be online 24–7–365 to respond to your queries and to troubleshoot any issue that you may have. Simply send a customer support ticket from the Help Center section and we will reply to you quicker than you can say Jack Robinson.