For many years there was only 1 dependable way for you to store information on your personal computer – utilizing a disk drive (HDD). Then again, this sort of technology is already displaying it’s age – hard disks are really loud and slow; they’re power–ravenous and tend to generate quite a lot of warmth in the course of intensive procedures.

SSD drives, in contrast, are swift, take in significantly less energy and they are much cooler. They furnish an innovative method of file accessibility and storage and are years in advance of HDDs in terms of file read/write speed, I/O operation and then power capability. Figure out how HDDs fare up against the modern SSD drives.

1. Access Time


SSD drives give a brand–new & ground breaking approach to file safe–keeping using the usage of electronic interfaces as an alternative to any sort of moving parts and turning disks. This brand–new technology is way quicker, allowing for a 0.1 millisecond file accessibility time.


HDD drives count on spinning disks for files storage purposes. When a file will be utilized, you will have to await the right disk to reach the right place for the laser beam to access the file in question. This translates into a typical access speed of 5 to 8 milliseconds.

2. Random I/O Performance


The random I/O performance is important for the performance of a data file storage device. We have executed detailed lab tests and have established that an SSD can deal with a minimum of 6000 IO’s per second.


During the exact same tests, the HDD drives demonstrated to be significantly slower, with 400 IO operations addressed per second. While this looks like a large amount, for people with an overloaded server that contains many well–known websites, a slow hard disk could lead to slow–loading websites.

3. Reliability


The absence of moving parts and rotating disks within SSD drives, as well as the recent developments in electrical interface technology have led to an extremely better data file storage device, with a normal failure rate of 0.5%.


HDD drives make use of rotating hard disks for saving and browsing data – a concept since the 1950s. Along with disks magnetically hanging in mid–air, spinning at 7200 rpm, the prospects of something going wrong are generally increased.

The standard rate of failure of HDD drives ranges between 2% and 5%.

4. Energy Conservation


SSDs do not have moving components and require very little cooling energy. In addition they call for a small amount of power to function – lab tests have shown that they can be operated by a common AA battery.

As a whole, SSDs consume between 2 and 5 watts.


HDD drives can be known for getting noisy; they’re at risk from overheating and whenever there are several disk drives in one server, you have to have one more a / c device only for them.

In general, HDDs consume between 6 and 15 watts.

5. CPU Power


Thanks to SSD drives’ better I/O efficiency, the key server CPU will be able to process data file queries much faster and save time for additional operations.

The standard I/O wait for SSD drives is exactly 1%.


HDD drives permit sluggish access rates compared with SSDs do, resulting in the CPU needing to hang around, while reserving assets for your HDD to find and give back the inquired data file.

The standard I/O delay for HDD drives is approximately 7%.

6.Input/Output Request Times


The bulk of our brand new web servers now use exclusively SSD drives. Our personal lab tests have demonstrated that with an SSD, the normal service time for an I/O request although operating a backup remains under 20 ms.


In contrast to SSD drives, HDDs feature substantially reduced service times for I/O queries. In a server backup, the normal service time for any I/O call varies between 400 and 500 ms.

7. Backup Rates


You are able to check out the real–world advantages of using SSD drives each and every day. By way of example, on a server with SSD drives, a full back–up will take just 6 hours.


We employed HDDs mainly for a few years and we have now excellent expertise in just how an HDD runs. Backing up a hosting server designed with HDD drives is going to take around 20 to 24 hours.

The VPS servers along with our regular cloud web hosting accounts have SSD drives by default. Be a part of our Bgworldent LTD family, and see how we can help you boost your web site.

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