Using the cloud hosting plan, you’ll be able to build a personal portfolio website, a blog or even a small–scale web–shop. It is possible to host a single domain name, but you will have sufficient assets to grow thanks to the endless disk space and traffic allocations included in the pack.
Standard Package
Standard hosting at
$3.00/mo.Evaluate our services with a 30 day free trial period. No credit card info necessary.
24x7 Support
Ask us anything at all. We are at your disposal 24/7/365
Waiting for several hours to get a reply from the client service team is quite frustrating, regardless of how insignificant the issue is. For this reason, here, at Bgworldent LTD, we provide you with a 60–minute response guarantee, and our specialists normally reply in under 20 mins through the ticket system located in the Web Hosting Control Panel. They are available to you 24x7x365.
Free Templates
More than 100 totally free Joomla™ and WordPress web design themes to select from
It is possible to download a brand new Wordpress or Joomla™ theme with just a click of the mouse from your Web Hosting Control Panel. There is no need to go to any third–party sites for premium–quality site templates. We have a vast collection for you readily integrated into your web hosting account. Simply select the template that you like and click the Download button. All design themes are absolutly free of charge for you.
Website Installer
Publish your very own personal sites with a click of the mouse
Our hosting plans offer you a shortcut to create your very own website, even if you don’t possess any special capabilities. Thanks to the Quick Website Installer built into the Bgworldent LTD Web Hosting Control Panel, creating your business or personal site is quite simple – just pick the kind of site you would like and a preferred skin. We’ll publish your new website in an instant and will send you information on how to manage it with just a click.
True Cloud Platform
Take a Tour
We’ve developed our own custom–built cloud web hosting platform based on the latest leading–edge technologies. Having each service (DNSs, e–mails, databases, apps, etc.) taken care of by a different physical server, your website content will operate in the cloud and will also be totally shielded from unexpected network outages and performance interruptions.
Website Builder
Build your personal or business site with one click of the mouse
Getting published online is now unbelievably easy with the Site Building Instrument built into your Web Hosting Control Panel. Just pick a theme from our collection of more than 100 personal and business web site themes and after that add your site content (photographs, textual content, etc.) with a single mouse click. To bring your site online, simply click on the Publish button. It is that simple. You may use the Website Builder for all the domain names in your web hosting account.
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Service guarantees
- Each of our packages is set up for your needs cost free. 30–day money–back. 99.9% service uptime. 1 hour reply time.
Compare our prices
- Have a look at our pricing and decide on the very best hosting service for your personal or company sites. It is possible to upgrade to a more feature–rich plan with only a click of the mouse.
- Compare our hosting plans
Contact Us
- We’re online for you in working hours to reply to any requests regarding our cloud hosting service.